Sunday, June 22, 2008

Amaranth, Millet, Wheat, & Chocolate Chip Pancakes

I had been hunting for amaranth flour for a while and finally found it and the first thing I wanted to make with it was PANCAKES! But when I try a new grain, I like to blend it in with other grains I know I like, so pancakes fit the bill. Millet has a natural sweet flavor so it helps cut back on the amount of sugar you need in the pancakes. Yay, less simple carbs! I'm not so into the "low carb" diet because it doesn't work, our bodies NEED carbohydrates its the choices we make that have the impact on our health. Foods high in simple carbs = BAD, foods high in COMPLEX carbs = good. Course the "nutritional facts" on the back of our food products don't list complex, they list fiber (also needed in higher amounts) and sugars (simple sugars). The total carb grams should always be much higher then the simple sugar grams. Consider this carb lecture #1. :) Enjoy the panacakes and use organic grains and ingredients where ever possible!!


1/4 cup white flour
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup amaranth flour
1/4 cup millet flour
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs
1 tbsp Safflower oil
1/2 - 1 cup water
2 tbsp sugar
dash salt
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
4 Chocolate Chips per pancake

Mix all dry ingredients.
In a separate bowl, beat the eggs. Add the vanilla extract, water, and the safflower oil, mix together.
Add the wet mixture to the dry ingredients.
Heat a medium to large pan over medium high heat. Make panacakes using a 1/4 cup at a time and adding 3-4 chocolate chips per pancake.
Makes 10.

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